Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Why is Western Medicine and Research so remedial??
1. Those who get a full sleep tend to be in better moods
2. Positive attitude affects your moods and health
3. Those who enjoy their jobs tend to be happier and well adjusted
4. Those in happy marriages tend to be well adjusted
It really does take a rocket scientist in the U.S. to figure these kinds of things out.
Divorce Courts
The courts need to change. Men have been abused by the divorce court system for too long.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Steve Jobs Health
I've used the Apple computer longer than most of these Mac lovers ever put their hands on one. It is a mediocre product that is over marketed. Like any religion, people will buy into the lies of how great their god is.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The First Good Thing the Republicans Have Done
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Bailout for GM
Ford and Chrysler seem to be doing much better keeping track of their finances to know that they'll run out of money in 3+ months from time of asking.
Personally, I think GM doesn't want Congress to look at their accounting books to see how they mismanaged funds. So everything has to be immediate ... it's an emergency. There's no time for someone to examine their books with that kind of timing.
I worked as an administrator for years that had strict policies. There would always be these lamers who would come in and request things due to an emergency and bypass all protocol. My answer would be NO. After a couple of NO's, they get used to it and stop asking for emergency processes. Congress needs to do the same. These emergency lamers were often highly incompetent in the management of their projects.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Auto Aid Plan with Czar
Another issue is that they need someone who is better at leading those companies out of a bankruptcy. The current CEOs got them bankrupted in the first place, and this is not the first time GM has asked for money from Congress. They need new leadership, otherwise the money would go to waste and the companies go bankrupt in a few years with the loans never being paid back. It's like giving a loan to people who mismanage companies to do more screwups at taxpayers expense. Just give them more money, they'll make it *this time*. (Rolls eyes). These companies need new leadership. They need to be forward thinking.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Automaker Loans
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Auto Makers Bailout: Why?
If there's any bailout, it should be to give severance pay to the auto workers. It'll be much cheaper than $15 billion. It seems some of the automaker lobbyists have handed money under the table to the right Congressional people. It is a shame what this world has come to.
And that thing about the CEO taking a $1 annual salary was a joke. Right. We know that CEO's make most of their money from bonuses and stock options. So in the end, he will still make more money than any of the auto workers. Just pure marketing ... trying to sell themselves.
If Congress is going to be giving handouts, I want them to get me a new car and a new house that's paid off. It would lessen my worries with the economic conditions.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Yahoo Service Sucks, Profits Down
Of course the reason given in the article is the economy but honestly I've been complaining how poor the Yahoo service has been. If the service is bad, people will switch to other services.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Martial Law - Oct. 1, 2008
Looks like it is safer to live in China nowadays.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
McCain wants a Hottie
Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain wants untapped female votes
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Movie Review: Step Up 2 The Streets
Joe Lieberman
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Greco-Roman Wrestling
We'll see how the freestyle goes in the coming week. Strength is still a factor but there are more defenses against that.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Olympic Wrestling
Watch Here.
In men's Greco-Roman wrestling, even China placed with a silver. The best America got was a bronze medal (third place). Let's hope the USA does better in men's freestyle on 08/19.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Flight Attendants
Victoria Osteen and Flight Attendant
After reading the article, the following statement by the flight attendant shook me,
"I didn't want to lose my job because I felt I had to take a stand," she testified. "I felt I was no longer going to allow people to get away with bad behavior. I was very nervous about my job situation."
I have rarely seen a nice flight attendant like that. The flight attendant's statement seems ridiculous. Most flight attendants are pretty mean and nasty when they don't get their way.
As for Victoria Osteen, who knows. I don't think she physically assaulted anyone. The statement, "threw her against a bathroom door and elbowed her in the left breast" seems a work of fantasy. If I know any flight attendants, after something like that, they get hostile. In fact, they get hostile over little things. Victoria does appear to have an attitude and that may be all she is guilty of.
The other statement that the attendant is suffering depression and post-traumatic stress disorder due to the incident seems ridiculous. People don't get depressed over little things like that unless they are a nutcase after money, in which case a full court-ordered psychiatric evaluation is in order. Makes me wonder if the attendants are after money. Their false accusations reminds me accusations of those on drugs with a severe mental disorder in dealing with reality. Those types seem to make up things as their reality. They should probably do a drug test on the flight attendants.
I say these things because I've met Victoria Osteen.
Friday, August 08, 2008
U.S. presence in Iraq is a major cause of the fighting
Party boys have this problem with drinking. It deactivates brain cells. Once a party boy, always a party boy ... huh McCain? I wouldn't want someone with below average smarts to lead me into war. Sheesh, I'd be dead.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Moving Website to
I'm moving my blogspot to a new website at:
Unfortunately, I won't be able to move most of my old posts there so this site will stay here for archival purposes. New posts will appear on my new site.
The new website will allow searching and sorting of articles by topic and keywords. Thanks everyone.
The Dark Knight
McCain's Intelligence
When I vote for someone, I want that person to do the thinking, not someone else. I don't need Joe Lieberman to think for McCain.
We should send President W. Bush to War
I really hope that Dwyer and other people who have died in the war come back and haunt President W. Bush in his sleep.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The grandmother you can do without
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tony Snow Dies of Cancer
Whether John McCain believes in karma, the power of the dead, or not. It really doesn't matter. Health problems will develop. He won't live to enjoy the blood money he accumulated.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
U.S. Foreign Policy is about Democracy
How many times are U.S. citizens going to be fooled by the same trick? Who knows what's going on in Iraq that we have not been told about.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Tai Chi
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Life isn't fair
Life isn't fair that the judge made me solely financially responsible for our joint debts during the marriage and gave me no leniency on anything despite me being the one psychologically abused in the marriage. Such is the State of America. There is no justice.
Sometimes I don't even want to work anymore. Most of what I make, after paying bills and taxes, goes to my ex-wife. What's the point of working if you can't spend time with your kids and have nothing left for savings. I have standard custody, which is very limited.
Sometimes I just want to re-enlist in the Army. My persona is more of a blue collar type of guy. I don't like working in an office. I get antsy sitting all day. My parents would never let me take a blue collar job growing up (as a long term prospect). But I've always enjoyed doing it more than office work.
My mother and many other blue collar workers have the misconception that working in an office is an easy life. No, it is not. I have to rack my brains quite a bit, everyday. If you want to know what it is like working the job I do, think about working on solving complex math problems with 100 unknown variables in the system, every day, 8 hours a day and people putting pressure on you to solve it faster to hit deadlines. And they get on your case when you make mistakes. You see the fun? In addition, there a lot of office politics going on.
I don't know about you but it didn't seem like I made any more money, because it disappeared through the wife (when we were married). And now it disappears when I have to pay all the bills she racked up, the judge made me solely responsible, plus full child support. If I'm not going to have be making any money, I might as well take a job that doesn't put that much stress on my brain. A lot of people don't realize how my head hurts sometimes when I have to solve these problems at work, while totally neglecting my body during the work day. It is not an easy job, like my mother and many blue collar types think.
I rather have a job where my body is utilized and my brain occasionally needed.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Nelson Mandela no longer considered a terrorist
Monday, June 30, 2008
Grouchy types in the office
It is weird. It's like most people in an office building are grumpy types. Without fail, when I am in a good happy mood, there will always be plenty of people clearing their throat in an office building, usually not anyone I work with directly.
When I don't have on a happy face and that happens a bit too. I have no problems with people clearing their throats or otherwise. It's funny.
It's funny because I finish my work faster than most people my pay grade, so I complete plenty of work and things that are often pretty complicated. I don't really like coming into the office, too many grouchy types. They need to lighten up and enjoy life a little bit. Maybe they'll be more creative and productive.
I prefer to work at home or outside when I can.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
FDA Admits Mercury Fillings are Hazardous
If you know me, you know I didn't wait for answers from them. I took my health into my own hands. I've been using the Mercury Detox Protocol successfully for some time. Waiting for the American Medical Association or the American Dental Association to tell you the truth is like waiting for the neo-conservative controlled GOP to tell you the truth. There's such a conflict of interest. If they work for you, the U.S. citizen, they get paid between $160,000 and $400,000 depending on if their position is Congressman or President of the United States. If they work for the entities who work behind the scenes, they can get paid between $1,000,000 to hundred of millions. In fact, if they divert the billions of dollars sent to Iraq to their own personal funds, they can make in the billions. Of course, you know there is no accounting in the Iraq funding, so who knows where that money is actually going. It is not in the interest of GOP to tell you the truth, when it is not you the, the U.S. citizen, they are serving.
By the way, my cholesterol and mercury levels are now much reduced without the help of the dangerous cholesterol prescription drugs.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Supreme Court Gun Ruling
I remember when I was back in college in Texas and there was controversy on whether the concealed handgun law should be passed. People against it said it will create crime and people for it said it will prevent crime .. because criminals intent on committing crimes know that people can carry guns to defend themselves with lethal force and will have second thoughts. Who really knew what the result would be ... though I had my guesses. Well the law passed and crimed was reduced and it stayed that way until the New Orleans residents came to Texas but that's another story. It doubt if most of them were carrying guns legally in Texas. More criminals in an area, more crime. So citizens need to arm themselves.
When I was taking the defensive handgun classes, the Humble Police Lieutenant told me that we need more people registered to carry concealed handguns. He said, during the aftermath of the Katrina disaster, that crime rate was rising and we need more people registered with concealed handguns. He firmly believed what he told me, I could tell.
Again, convicted felons are not allowed to carry handguns under any law. Most felons carry them illegally. There are occasional incidents where someone goes ballistic and goes on a college campus and shoots a lot of people. There have been no laws limiting guns in the history of the United States that could prevent this. Anyone who is not a convicted felon can buy a gun. Even with the tightest gun control laws, people can buy guns for home protection and then carry it illegally. They are doing it against the law, but if they are intent on committing a crime, they don't really care about the law. Now if honest students were allowed to carry guns and defend themselves, that would be another story.
I don't know if people know, but while taking the concealed handgun class, if the instructor senses you are a danger to society or out of control, he can write you up as having mental problems, and you may never get to carry a gun legally. It is a class in gun education, and it is better for people to take it and use a gun responsibly. I think everyone who buys a gun for the first time should be required to take such a class. It may prevent a certain number of problems.
The bottom line is that criminals are not allowed to buy or carry guns under any law, yet they do anyways because they can get their guns in the black market. The only hope is to allow honest citizens to be able to defend themselves and educate them on the proper usage.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Tim Russert
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Obama's Military VP Selection
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Documentary: Uncovered: The War on Iraq
A lot of information and testimonies here that should back up what Scott McClellan says. Testimonies include those of CIA experts, military experts, counter terrorism experts, UN weapons inspectors, etc. It shows how original intelligence documents were modified and forged by the Bush administration in order to knowingly and falsely convince the American people to go to war. Worth seeing and subpoenaing those individuals.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Message to Bob Dole
Yes, if you do immoral and illegal things, chances are people will report you. I know it makes it harder to get away with things but so far no one in your inner circle has turned on you. Maybe you will die in peace one day knowing that you got away with the things you did, or maybe not.
Bob Dole on Scott McClellan
This presupposes 2 things:
1) That Bob Dole has dirty secrets he doesn't want people to know as well
2) That instead of listening to the message about the lies this country was told, Bob Dole chose to shoot the messenger. In fact, it doesn't even appear that Bob Dole cares about this country or the wrong direction it is headed it, that Bob Dole, a former Republican presidential candidate, is only concerned about image.
On Scott McClellan
I, for one, believe Scott McClellan. Though obviously being a press secretary, he wasn't privy to everything, including the real reasons for the continuation of the war.
Keith Olbermann Interview
Anyone who has worked deep in the Department of Defense knows that if you speak up, the government, especially the Bush administration, can make you disappear forever. It is generally not a wise thing to speak on certain issues, because you will be investigated and blacklisted early. Two, if you decide to speak up after you've been in deep, you know that the government can make you disappear, held without a trial, and incarcerated permanently in unknown locations, and without given access to the press, obviously.
This was probably the best time to do it, as the President's power is coming to a close. When you go public, in a book and with the news, you are almost untouchable from them doing anything illegal to you, at least not without major consequences.
I too would have done the same as Scott McClellan, because the President had powers almost that of a King. For my personal safety because no one else will protect me, the best time for me to speak would be at the end of his career when his power is dwindling.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
McCain: We are Winning the War in Iraq
If I know anything about wars, I can personally guarantee that violence levels in Iraq will get much worse long before it ends. The insurgents are likely just preparing for a major attack. Of course, "foreign policy experts" take this as a win. How hilarious.
We can prolong this war for as long as we like, but if I know anything about counterinsurgency and guerrilla warfare, we will never win this war even with the draft re-enacted.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Pat Buchanan: Former Republican Presidential Candidate
"the neocons, who are a small cabal, actually, not very many people, insinuated themselves into Bush’s camp, they had allies in Cheney and Rumsfeld, who are not neocons, and then they set this pre-cooked meal in front of the President of the United States, who was an untutored individual in foreign policy… They captured the President, and in so doing they captured the foreign policy, but my own belief is their time is passing." 07/07/2005
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Taking a Break
Watch McCain's Expertise on Foreign Policy
If you want the facts, read the article below on who the Iranians are training:
Iranians Funding Shiite Insurgency
And the reason why Iran is funding them is ... should I really tell anyone ...?? I don't think most people know. The reason is Iran wants a neighboring country than is pro-Iran, much like the U.S. wants its neighbors Canada and Mexico to be friendly towards it. We, the U.S., would be funding wars if Canada or Mexico were under attack to protect our borders. This has nothing to do with radical extremism, which is something that was made up. Iran has a personal interest in protecting in borders. Iran has no reason to trust an Iraqi puppet regime of the U.S., especially after the 1953 incident. Iran has no reason to trust Israel, again due to the 1953 incident. In 1953, the U.S. installed a repressive puppet regime in Iran which killed and tortured their citizens. For Iran's own security, they are funding Shiites in Iraq.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Documentary: Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers
Interesting look at fraudulent business practices of defense contractors and corrupt government officials who fuel them. It also looks at how the CACI contract was listed on the war funding as providing IT support, however they money actually ended up paying CACI for illegal interrogations. The next time Congress passes a War Funding bill, they should realize that money may not be used for what it was authorized for. They should also make stipulation that the money is actually accounted for. Right now the money, U.S. taxpayer dollars, goes into mysterious bank accounts. No one knows where.
Of course, the excuse is, "The bill is to make sure our troops get paid." It is a good selling point but very dishonest. The troops only get a small fraction of it. Most of it goes to paying private defense contractors. It's like saying Johnny the waiter needs to get paid, so the solution of the government is to buy the restaurant chain where Johnny works at. Sure Johnny gets paid, most of the money goes to making the owners becoming rich, Congress members get paid, and it's marketed in the newspapers at "Johnny Gets Paid". A true win for Johnny and the working class .. or not. And the Bill only costs U.S. taxpayers 102 million dollars, what a deal considering that Johnny's weekly pay is about $380.
Billions of dollars in Iraq Funding Unaccounted For
It wouldn't be surprising to find the that money is funneling in McCain and Bush's private Cayman Island's bank accounts.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Peace Efforts in Middle East
Documentary: Why We Fight
An interesting look at American Imperialism. From the rise of the military-industrial complex as warned by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, which I often refer to here as defense contractors, and how it has taken over foreign policy. It covers how the CIA recruited Saddam Hussein and funded by President Reagan, and how he was our ally in the 80's, until he got out of control and wanted more oil, which threatened our supply. A campaign was then made to portray him as the enemy.
"War Heroes"
A POW on the other hand, is more of a victim's role, unless of course he orchestrated a prison escape, which is not the case here. Being a POW requires mental resolve and toughness, but not necessarily the same kind of courage or bravery. Does he have the courage to do what is right?
Sen. Chuck Hagel
I haven't done any research on Sen. Chuck Hagel so I don't know what issues and policies he represents. That will determine whether he will be a hinder or help to the Obama camp.
Sen. Chuck Hagel Offering Honest Criticism
It's a breath of fresh air to hear some honesty in the Republican ranks. I certainly appreciate his candor and integrity. Some analysts were quick to jump to the conclusion to judge his motives to be out of pure selfishness. Maybe, maybe not. It all depends if he thinks he can make a big contribution to the nation.
I think that if most Republicans had the courage to be honest and do what is right, they wouldn't be losing their seats on re-election. People are tired of the Bush-McCain lies and many Independents are smarter than to believe McCain. National poll numbers prove it. The more John McCain lies, the bigger the lead Barack Obama will have.
My personal belief on Sen. Chuck Hagel is that he is a true soldier. There is something taught in the US Army about Honor, Integrity, and Loyalty to one's country that most outsiders just won't understand. This is especially true of soldiers who won many military decorations and honors such as: Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal, and the Combat Infantryman Badge. Chuck Hagel is one of those soldiers.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Start a War right before you leave: How Immoral and Irresponsible
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Bush Out to Hurt Americans
Articles Detailing Prior Knowledge of 9/11 Attack.
About Iran US Relations
William Blum, author of Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, on the United States role in torture. "
The notorious Iranian security service, SAVAK, which employed torture routinely, was created under the guidance of the CIA and Israel in the 1950's. According to a former CIA analyst on Iran, Jesse J. Leaf, SAVAK was instructed in torture techniques by the Agency.
After the 1979 revolution, the Iranians found CIA film made for SAVAK on how to torture women."
William Blum on the SAVAK"The notorious Iranian secret police, SAVAK, created under the guidance of the CIA and Israel, spread its tentacles all over the world to punish Iranian dissidents. According to a former CIA analyst on Iran, SAVAK was instructed in torture techniques by the Agency. Amnesty International summed up the situation in 1976 by noting that Iran had the "highest rate of death penalties in the world, no valid system of civilian courts and a history of torture which is beyond belief. No country in the world has a worse record in human rights than Iran."
"When to this is added a level of corruption that "startled even the most hardened observers of Middle Eastern thievery", it is understandable that the Shah needed his huge military and police force, maintained by unusually large US aid and training programs, to keep the lid down for as long as he did."
Iraq is Bush's Holy War
Article 2.
Sen. John McCain to continue Bush's Holy War creating Islamic Jihad creating World War III, world chaos and destruction.
Israel and Palestine
These wars have a religious undertone to them, fighting for the Holy City of Jerusalem. Religion is suppose to bring spirituality and enlightenment, but instead it is practiced as death and destruction. Funny that Islamic and Jewish Bibles from the time until Abraham are about the same God. They are supposed to be brothers, but instead kill each other.
This begs the question: is religion inherently evil? Looking at all the destruction and wars it has caused. Christianity is included in this list. Just look at the Holy Crusades, and as recent as the Iraq War. Bush: God told me to invade Iraq. On President Bush's speeches leading up to the invasion of Iraq, he mentions God, destroying evil and it moved many Christians to agree ... initially. People use religion to start wars all the time, Christianity included.
The most important question though is: Can the United States come up with a plan that will bring a permanent end to this conflict? Most likely not.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Schools and Racism
When I worked in high school at Wendy's. The laziest people were the black people, they constantly complained about every little thing, and did the least work. It is amazing to see.
When I went to basic training in the Army, we had to wake up in the middle of the night to do security duty. After my turn was up, I had to wake up the next person to be on duty. Whenever it was a black person, they would not want to wake up and make excuses. I've never had this problem with anyone else. I wasn't allowed to be off duty until they woke up. They took their sweet time and were the slowest.
My parents still live in the same black neighborhood that I grew up in. Usually when I go there, there would be some black people driving next to me and making fun of me for my race. These were more often females than males.
I had to get this off my chest, as this was the environment I grew up in. If black people want to be respected, they need to treat others with respect. They also need to develop a good work ethic. They are the first to make claims of racism, and they are also the first to perpetuate racism when given the opportunity.
While I had good experiences with college educated blacks, when I had joined a small growing black church, the blue collar blacks are the most racist I have ever met. Even when I worked in the states with predominant blue collar whites, I wasn't treated poorly.
As far as maturity and development goes, the blue collared white people have matured much further.
Oh I forgot one of the reasons why I wanted to post, people ask for more money for the poor schools but my experience has been that when attending classes in the regular school, the students are very unruly and the teacher often has problems controlling the class. More books, and more money, won't make much difference, as these students are determined in class to jack around. They are not there for learning. They don't care about an education. In my experience, teachers can't control the students in the poor schools. Until that is resolved, and the students actually want to study, more money is a waste of resources.
I took 2 years of high school Spanish in the regular school. One of the black students was constantly goofing around in class and would not study during study time. At the end of the 2 years, the teacher asked him if he had learned anything, he responded, "Si". She asked if that is all he learned, he responded, "Si". While the guy was trying to be funny, and I actually liked him, he learned very little. I don't consider him to be unruly. I thought he was more of the class comedian. Very funny, but did little school work. He may even be a very successful comedian now. Who knows. Quite charismatic. The point is, under the same teacher, textbooks, and conditions, I had managed to learn quite a bit of Spanish while some didn't. It is really up to the student during study time, to study. The teacher constantly threatened to fail students who didn't study and got low grades, as a result, but she had a kind heart underneath and didn't fail anyone. She now teaches at a prestigious private school. I guess she had enough of students who weren't interested.
Students now graduate without learning to read because they don't want to. You can't blame the teachers for that. They actually try to teach, but it is up to the student if he wants to learn.
I support more money for the public magnet schools, which exist in poor neighborhoods too. I went to them. I should know. In the magnet schools, students are serious about their education and they deserve good materials. Students who are interested in a better education should apply for the magnet program. Learning to read is something that is up to the student and more money will not help.
And yes, even in the magnet program, a number of teachers were asses. Though there were some good teachers, I will always remember, who sparked my imagination and creativity.
McCain on Wars
Republicans Red Herring Approach
During the Vietnam War, it was said that if we lose this war, the communists will take over the world and we will certainly perish. Well, we lost the Vietnam War, and none of that has happened. Now that communism isn't much of a threat, the have to invent new enemies to justify huge budgets for wars, mostly paid to defense contractors. The new enemy are "terrorists". The U.S. Army Field Manual No. FM 3-0, Chapter 9, 37, 14 June 2001, defines terrorism as "calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear. It is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies ... [to attain] political, religious, or ideological goals." By all accounts, this is an exacting description of George W. Bush's foreign policies, which John McCain now backs. According to the US Army then, we are a state sponsored terrorist organization, subverting foreign governments through the CIA at first, and then escalating it to full-scale war then that doesn't work. People may think I am being funny, however I spoke with a number of US citizens who reside overseas in these or nearby countries, and they say they get verbally accosted because the local citizens know they are Americans. They view the US as terrorists, and that is a statement of fact. In order to stop foreign countries from retaliating with their attacks, we need to stop these wars and repair our image. The current Bush foreign policy is only making it worse for us.
We need someone who will help repair our image and improve diplomatic relations.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Interesting idea about the no talk policy of McCain and W. Bush, when Reagan himself sat right next to a communist state supreme premier Mikhail Gorbachev. Amazing what one can achieve by discussion. Due to their talks, which resulted in friendly relationships with the USSR, we are no longer in a Cold War with them.
Bush and McCain do not want to sit down and discuss with 'the enemy'. It provides for an excuse for continuing the war, of course to make themselves richer. McCain is used to a nice rich life thanks to his wife. Besides he wants to prove to her he can make more money, by defense contractors offering him money in unnamed offshore accounts.
Common sense would dictate that talking to the other side would be the first step in resolving a conflict. It resulted in the end of the Cold War. I seriously question McCain's leadership and judgment. We would be in bigger, and bigger wars with him in place. Anyone he doesn't like, he just starts wars with ... no end in sight ... just bomb, anyone and everyone, and of course a bomb will hit us in response on U.S. soil. Who are we to blame if we elect him?
Nixon and McCain
Are we seeing a repeat?
Nixon also ordered a host of illegal wiretaps on citizens of this country, not unlike today.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
President Bush takes no responsibility for his actions
McCain has NO IDEA how to write a military plan
McCain's Prediction
If we stop creating wars in other countries, maybe people will leave us alone. Now that is a great plan compared to all the resentment towards the US for creating wars in numerous other countries, first through the CIA under the direction of the President, and killing millions of innocent civilians not even to better the country, but purely to serve the interests of the US. Remember the Killing Fields and Cambodia, how the US ousted, through a CIA backed coup, of the very popular leader Prince Sihanouk, leading to countless deaths by other parties who tried to regain power. You really think citizens of those countries don't have anything against us? What if most of your family including children were blown up by the US government and you were the only that survived? Wouldn't you be angry? Prince Sihanouk was very good for his country. Unfortunately, he pointed out the covert and immoral tactics of the US, and Nixon's bombing of his people. This made bad press for the US, so that had to get rid of him. It hurt his country and his people badly, and did not help the US win the Vietnam War as promised. We did the same thing with Iran. Why do you think there is retribution now?
Most of these wars are unnecessary and unjustified. They are acts of aggression from the United States and they need to be stopped. W. Bush should be tried as a war criminal, along with anyone who continues that war.
What Bush calls terrorists are often people seeking retribution for the criminals acts of the US in foreign countries.
What we need is to come to so kind of truce with them. That we refrain from conducting criminal activities in those countries, in exchange for them leaving us alone. That is what real peace is about.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The Suffering of Soldiers
People often think that men of the military are all honorable. That is the common misperception from outsiders. I've been screwed over a number of times by ex-Marines who served in Iraq, one who was a construction manager for KB Home and one who as the Sales Manager. They went beyond lying and into the realm of fraud in what they did.
There are some good people in the military and there are some bad. Just don't assume all military men are of honor. I was recently watching tapes of torture sessions done by the Americans during the Vietnam war. I couldn't believe all the things the US were doing ... which broke the 1949 Geneva Conventions agreement on treatment of prisoners of war. It made McCain's POW treatment look like a cake walk.
I was very sad and ashamed of America's conduct in the war. And now there's Iraq.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
They vote for her because of her gender
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Appealing to blue collar whites
Only later on, did I find out that he worked in an environment full of racism and machismo, which is typical for blue collar whites. He would tell me how racist his coworkers and especially his bosses were. They really would never vote for a black man, out of pure racism, and how they would appear to their peers if they did. They wouldn't vote for a woman either but if given the choice, they would choose a woman over a black man. He also belonged to a union, who told him how to think and behave. It was strange, because it felt like I didn't know this guy anymore.
How do you appeal to racist people? Well the most important thing to him was his job, and the union which protected it. They hated foreign workers, who they say steal their jobs. To appeal to these people, who are racist with a big factor due to reasons of job security, you would would have to show that you will protect his job from foreign workers. By not allowing illegal immigration, not increasing the number of H1 visas , and guaranteeing that the jobs will remain in the U.S., I believe you can appeal to these people. Their job security, income, and therefore their livelihood, is the number one thing they care about. I believe they will overcome the race issue, if the upcoming president can guarantee jobs remain in the U.S. On another strategic level, to get with the union bosses and chiefs, and guarantee them their jobs are protected. The union chiefs tell the blue collar whites how to think. If you get them on your side, you have the votes of the blue collar whites. Talk with a bit of testosterone, as that is normal mode of communication with them. They will not listen to calm, educated talk. Their care about the bottom line, so be direct, and get to the point.
Racism is often due to fear. Overcome their fear and you have their support.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Promotion for loyalty
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Advice of Acting Generals in Iraq
1) They report to the Command In Chief of the Armed Forces, the President of the United States, and are strongly pressured to say what the Presidents wants them to say. Their advice, may or may not change, depending on who their boss, the current President is. Think about it, how often do you want to publicly say something publicly that is against your boss and undermines what he says?
2) Defense Contractors often slip money to military personnel to push things their way. I wouldn't be surprised if they slipped some money in an offshore unnamed bank account for Gen. Petraeus. There is no actual proof of this, just that this is the common way of doing business in Washington.
As a civilian, I worked under a retired two-star General for a Defense Contractor. This guy took credit for other people's work, and quick to blame others when things go wrong. He was totally self-serving. All the workers and managers around me was saying this. I was a little naive at the time and asked, "How did he get to be a two-star General, if he was such a user?" The response was, "How do you think?" And the retired Lieutenant Colonel acted more like a Sales Manager than anything else in the way he conducted himself. I think this is just the norm.
Of course, there are exceptions like Gen. Colin Powell, who are highly ethical and care about his troops and doing the right thing. A number of the other retired Generals, I think are good men, who spoke against the way Donald Rumsfeld was handling the war. There are good men in there, it's just they are the exceptions.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Hillary: Voting for Experience
Thursday, April 17, 2008
New British PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Gen. Colin Powell's (retired) view on Iraq War
Interesting why John McCain pretends to think we can win this war if we just "stay the course". Are the same defense contractors who are paying Bush also making contributions to McCain's campaign?
I think Colin Powell should be President, but he is too legit to be nominated by either the Democratic or Republican Party. Something about the way the U.S. political process works that the good guys never get nominated.
The Candidates
Barack Obama also wants to end the Iraq War and offer alternative energy programs, which is good. He believes in ethics and lobbying reform. You don't see much of a strategy or plan on ethics reform on Hillary Clinton's site. Or a single thing in her campaigning that would suggest she had ethics. I really don't think Hillary spends much time thinking of how to better this country but instead on how to better herself by becoming President. Between Hillary and Barack, Obama is the clear choice.
However I think John McCain has the good plan for America, other than continuing the Iraq War, if he actually plans to carry them out. He addresses some important issues facing this country though his stated plan for fixing things is like a band-aid and never addressing the real causes.
In the current situation, I would vote for Barack Obama, however if John McCain were to change his stance to ending the war, I would believe he would want to better the country instead of being another puppet for the neocons who now control the Republican party. It really hurts me to see American soldiers get killed needlessly in a war we cannot win, and that U.S. defense contractors are making a boatload of money in the process.
Sen. McCain
Monday, April 14, 2008
Being a General
Are there military advisors who are experts at counterinsurgency? Yes. Are they being listened to? Obviously not. Just take a look at how things are being run in Iraq. Do the Generals know who to go to for advice? Probably. Would it change their handling of the war? Probably not. How do you get the job? By agreeing in private what the President asks. What if you do later do the right thing and ignore the President? You get replaced with a possibility of court-martial on false charges. There will be a list of corrupt people who never liked you falsely testifying against you with the promise of a promotion. Their dog tags will likely read one of the Christian denominations.
1) the war will continue
2) gas prices will still be high. I don't see much of a push from him on reducing demand on oil, such as offering alternative energy programs
Unfortunately, some of us still have to drive to work. I would like to buy a vehicle on the market that uses less gasoline, if one exists, that has been mass produced so that I can get a warranty and get it fixed easily when there's a problem.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
FBI violated American privacies
Of course when this happened, President Bush assured us that *only* terror suspects were being investigated and no American rights were being violated. Of course I knew then Bush and the FBI were lying, just based on common sense of how the government operates. The basic rule is that government officials abuse their power for personal and private gain. They try to get as much power as they can to accomodate their personal life, ie. make money from illegal deals, while assuring citizens of the country they only use what is justified and authorized. Bush used this power to spy on any agents that try to investigate him and blackmail, harass them with whatever he can. This allows W. Bush to continue to conduct his illegal activities and profiting himself to create a family fortune.
I personally would not trust any of Bush's cohorts or who he endorses. People who supported his questionable methods, vocally or by Congressional voting for his methods, are also suspect.