Sunday, June 01, 2008

On Scott McClellan

Sometimes you have to speak up and do the right thing. I'm sure the White House has an excuse for this, as they seem to have excuses for everything.

I, for one, believe Scott McClellan. Though obviously being a press secretary, he wasn't privy to everything, including the real reasons for the continuation of the war.

Keith Olbermann Interview

Anyone who has worked deep in the Department of Defense knows that if you speak up, the government, especially the Bush administration, can make you disappear forever. It is generally not a wise thing to speak on certain issues, because you will be investigated and blacklisted early. Two, if you decide to speak up after you've been in deep, you know that the government can make you disappear, held without a trial, and incarcerated permanently in unknown locations, and without given access to the press, obviously.

This was probably the best time to do it, as the President's power is coming to a close. When you go public, in a book and with the news, you are almost untouchable from them doing anything illegal to you, at least not without major consequences.

I too would have done the same as Scott McClellan, because the President had powers almost that of a King. For my personal safety because no one else will protect me, the best time for me to speak would be at the end of his career when his power is dwindling.

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