Thursday, May 08, 2008

Appealing to blue collar whites

From news reports, it says that blue collar whites do not vote for Obama. Early in my career, I had lived far from my hometown to work in jobs I found to be exciting at the time. To save on costs, I rented rooms from these people, who happen to be blue collar whites. I learned a lot of things. The particular guy I had rented a room from was 3-5 years older than me. He seemed like a real cool fun guy to hang with. We often hung out and joked around. Had lots of fun. He was a very mentally tough guy. He was about 40+ more pounds than me, mostly muscle. It seemed surprising that we would get along but we often man-wrestled (red-neck style) and I would always beat him usually in a very intense few moments, overpowering his strength with skill. This is no exaggeration and 100% true. I got his respect early on, so we got along very well. I had trained in the practical portions of martial arts most of my life with over 1,000 hours in many forms of combat sparring. I was used to fighting people much more skilled during practice, but I was in a part of the country I didn't know much about. We both enjoyed it. It was a manly thing to do.

Only later on, did I find out that he worked in an environment full of racism and machismo, which is typical for blue collar whites. He would tell me how racist his coworkers and especially his bosses were. They really would never vote for a black man, out of pure racism, and how they would appear to their peers if they did. They wouldn't vote for a woman either but if given the choice, they would choose a woman over a black man. He also belonged to a union, who told him how to think and behave. It was strange, because it felt like I didn't know this guy anymore.

How do you appeal to racist people? Well the most important thing to him was his job, and the union which protected it. They hated foreign workers, who they say steal their jobs. To appeal to these people, who are racist with a big factor due to reasons of job security, you would would have to show that you will protect his job from foreign workers. By not allowing illegal immigration, not increasing the number of H1 visas , and guaranteeing that the jobs will remain in the U.S., I believe you can appeal to these people. Their job security, income, and therefore their livelihood, is the number one thing they care about. I believe they will overcome the race issue, if the upcoming president can guarantee jobs remain in the U.S. On another strategic level, to get with the union bosses and chiefs, and guarantee them their jobs are protected. The union chiefs tell the blue collar whites how to think. If you get them on your side, you have the votes of the blue collar whites. Talk with a bit of testosterone, as that is normal mode of communication with them. They will not listen to calm, educated talk. Their care about the bottom line, so be direct, and get to the point.

Racism is often due to fear. Overcome their fear and you have their support.

1 comment:

tarzan said...

To be technically accurate, racism is caused by many factors such as: lack of security, sense of injustice, fear, jealousy, and hatred.