Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Suffering of Soldiers

New York Times article. It's funny that the excuse by this Republicans is that these things are too costly. That is, it costs a lot to care for our soldiers, so we rather discourage them from seeking treatment, by giving on some treatment. The funny thing is that the cost of treating our soldiers is only a small percentage of the cost of funding the war, while the bulk of it goes to feeding the rich defense contractors. Yet the Republicans and John McCain still push for the war but not for the treatment of soldiers. I think it shows their true colors.

People often think that men of the military are all honorable. That is the common misperception from outsiders. I've been screwed over a number of times by ex-Marines who served in Iraq, one who was a construction manager for KB Home and one who as the Sales Manager. They went beyond lying and into the realm of fraud in what they did.

There are some good people in the military and there are some bad. Just don't assume all military men are of honor. I was recently watching tapes of torture sessions done by the Americans during the Vietnam war. I couldn't believe all the things the US were doing ... which broke the 1949 Geneva Conventions agreement on treatment of prisoners of war. It made McCain's POW treatment look like a cake walk.

I was very sad and ashamed of America's conduct in the war. And now there's Iraq.

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