Friday, May 16, 2008


During the cold war, the scare tactic buzzword for people to stop any rational thinking was communist. Today it is 'terrorist'. When Republicans have no way to explain their acts of aggression and murder, they call everyone that disagrees as supporting terrorism. It used to be called pro-communism.

Interesting idea about the no talk policy of McCain and W. Bush, when Reagan himself sat right next to a communist state supreme premier Mikhail Gorbachev. Amazing what one can achieve by discussion. Due to their talks, which resulted in friendly relationships with the USSR, we are no longer in a Cold War with them.

Bush and McCain do not want to sit down and discuss with 'the enemy'. It provides for an excuse for continuing the war, of course to make themselves richer. McCain is used to a nice rich life thanks to his wife. Besides he wants to prove to her he can make more money, by defense contractors offering him money in unnamed offshore accounts.

Common sense would dictate that talking to the other side would be the first step in resolving a conflict. It resulted in the end of the Cold War. I seriously question McCain's leadership and judgment. We would be in bigger, and bigger wars with him in place. Anyone he doesn't like, he just starts wars with ... no end in sight ... just bomb, anyone and everyone, and of course a bomb will hit us in response on U.S. soil. Who are we to blame if we elect him?

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