Saturday, May 17, 2008

Republicans Red Herring Approach

Republicans, especially W. Bush and McCain, are using fear as a red herring technique to distract people from knowing the real issues. They don't want people to know what they are doing, conducting criminal activities in foreign countries through covert operations, continuing necessary wars, etc. Gen. Colin Powell has said that the war in Iraq is a revolutionary war. To distract from reality, the Republicans keep saying we have to win in Iraq to beat the terrorists to or we suffer doom. The two are a non-sequiter. The real issue is: Why are we still in Iraq? Well for one, it definitely benefits Dick Cheney's company, Halliburton, which is the primary contractor for logistical support (which is huge amount of money).

During the Vietnam War, it was said that if we lose this war, the communists will take over the world and we will certainly perish. Well, we lost the Vietnam War, and none of that has happened. Now that communism isn't much of a threat, the have to invent new enemies to justify huge budgets for wars, mostly paid to defense contractors. The new enemy are "terrorists". The U.S. Army Field Manual No. FM 3-0, Chapter 9, 37, 14 June 2001, defines terrorism as "calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear. It is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies ... [to attain] political, religious, or ideological goals." By all accounts, this is an exacting description of George W. Bush's foreign policies, which John McCain now backs. According to the US Army then, we are a state sponsored terrorist organization, subverting foreign governments through the CIA at first, and then escalating it to full-scale war then that doesn't work. People may think I am being funny, however I spoke with a number of US citizens who reside overseas in these or nearby countries, and they say they get verbally accosted because the local citizens know they are Americans. They view the US as terrorists, and that is a statement of fact. In order to stop foreign countries from retaliating with their attacks, we need to stop these wars and repair our image. The current Bush foreign policy is only making it worse for us.

We need someone who will help repair our image and improve diplomatic relations.

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