Monday, January 15, 2007

Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements are Healthy for you

I've been taking vitamins and other nutritional supplementation for over 18 years. If you take a look at my picture, taken when I was 34 (I am now 36), you can see I look much younger than my age. Nutrition, diet, exercise, and supplementation are very important to health. And I also switched to eating a lot of organic foods in the last 6 months. I rarely, if ever, take prescription drugs because nutritional and herbal methods were available and are much safer. Unfortunately there are members of Congress bought out by the pharmaceutical companies, and she is a Democrat, to wipe out the availability of health supplements and organic foods so that people will become sick easier and have to resort to dangerous prescription drugs instead when they need help. Stop this nonsense if Bill 3156 of the 109th Congress ever gets reintroduced into Congress.

Oppose HR 3156 (109th Congress) Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act
Introduced by Susan Davis and co-sponsored by Waxman and Dingell gives the FDA the ability to ban vitamin and nutritional supplements.

Please remember to vote to remove all members of Congress who support Codex Alimentarius. They know what they are doing is wrong but they don't care because they are being well paid by the big pharmaceutical companies. They are like George W. Bush. They don't care what they do to this country as long they profit out of the situation.

Why allow such an easy procedure to remove nutritional supplements from the market but not such an easy procedure for removing prescription drugs?

Health Freedom USA (Bills from 109th Congress -- last year -- no longer active but may be introduced again)
Mercola Link 1.
Mercola Link 2
Mercola Link 3.

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