Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Situation in Iraq: Knowing Your Enemy

Read here. 72% of U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq say U.S. should leave by end of 2006. Read here.

World's #1 Terrorist

Read here to see the World's #1 Terrorist. Terrorism has got to stop. Unfortunately the Republican "feed the terrorists" Strategy continues. Look what the Republican "feed the terrorist" Strategy is doing to our soldiers. If it weren't for their strategy, we wouldn't be in the situation we are today.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sounds like serious Spy work in progress

First the Veterans information were stolen. Now this.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Was Kerry the True Winner of the 2004 Presidential Election?

Read here.

With this rigged system, is there a chance that a Democratic President will ever win again?

If the votes were truthfully counted, Kerry won Ohio (20 electoral votes) and New Mexico (5 electoral votes). The final electoral college vote would be Kerry (277) vs. Bush (261). Was this election stolen from him? John Kerry is the rightful President of the United States.

Make no mistake, this was a coup d'etat by the Bush Administration.

Bush Sr. wanted Rumsfeld replaced

Read here.

Can Democrats really win November elections if voting is fixed by Republicans?

Jeb Bush and Republicans in five states left a loophole in the computer system so that voting results can be easily altered at their discretion.

Washington Post.

Read how the U.S. Government Accountability Office's (GAO) September 2005 report states that

* Some voting machines did not encrypt cast ballots or system audit logs, and it was possible to alter both without being detected.

* It was possible to alter the machines so that a ballot cast for one candidate would be recorded for another.

* Vendors installed uncertified versions of voting system software at the local level.

* Access was easily compromised and did not require a widespread conspiracy. A small handful of people is sufficient to steal an election.

-- CounterPunch

Monday, June 12, 2006

DVD: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

I just viewed this DVD tonight. Quite interesting.

Investigative Reporter Greg Palast goes into detail and provides concrete evidence how
1. The 2000 Presidential vote count in Florida was "rigged" and how Al Gore was the rightful winner of the 2000 Presidential election
2. How George W. Bush avoided the Vietnam draft with the help of his Congressman father
3. W.'s link to Enron's Kenneth Lay
4. Saudi Families massive money contributions to the Bush Family prior to the Iraq War
5. W.'s financial connection to the Bin Laden family and how he prevented the FBI from investigating the Bin Ladens' prior to 9/11

Greg Palast also has a book out on the topic. I assume it provides more details.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Pleasing Dick Cheney: The Job of Congress?

According to recent statements by Dick Cheney, Arlen Specter ruined a lot of built up good will between them by questioning Dick Cheney's methods of lobbying. Dick Cheney thinks it is Congress' job to try to please him.

Why would we need a separate of powers if all the other branches job were to please the Executive branch?

The only thing one can get from pleasing Dick Cheney is to be considered a laughing stock by the rest of the country. Just look at W. for evidence. :) Building up good will with Dick Cheney means running around and being his gopher boy. Since Dick Cheney has no morals, you have to question yourself if you want to be led by someone without morals or ethics? What happens to you when he's done with you?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Theft of military personnel data from the Department of Veterans Affairs

Whoever stole this list knows that can it be sold to countries that are doing espionage against us. It can identity key members in the military, including rank and contact information so that they can be bribed or eliminated, if necessary.

Identity theft is the least of their problems.

For the sake of argument, let's say some country wants to invade the U.S. The first problem after taking over the country is the insurgency. Who would most likely be insurgents? Military and ex-military personnel. Data that was stolen. They would target them for extermination.

The G.O.P. and W. have failed US citizens in security measures.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Estate Tax Repeal

I think estate taxes should be repealed. I think income taxes should be repealed. But first, let's start with income taxes.

How do we balance the budget you may ask? BY CUTTING SPENDING ON UNNECESSARY WARS. I've covered this before here.

Let me be clear, I support this only if they pass legislation to repeal income tax first. We should not be taxed ... period.