Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hey it's only money, taxpayers have deep pockets and will pay for anything

New York Times.

While many people are struggling to make ends meet, working different jobs, working our butt off to earn a living and paying the bills, our taxes (28-40% of our paycheck) goes to funding politican's private companies (ie. Halliburton) so they can become rich.

Quite interesting.

Our Forefathers such as George Washington refused to pay taxes to a government where their money was not used to help their Land (America). This was the start of the American Revolution and we became a much better country. Where's our money going now? If we don't pay our taxes, there is a likelihood of going to jail. This is robbery by brute force! Our forefathers made a stand against such a thing and succeeded.

I propose we get rid of the electoral college and corrupt politicians and use a Popular Vote from now on. That is the American public votes on how it wants money spent instead of having to depend on corrupt politicians who have been bought to allegedly vote in our best interest (not!).

Did you know that the federal income tax was first started in 1913, due to the 16th amemdent the tax rate was only 1% if you made more than $3,000, and 6% surtax if you made more than $500,000? The United States existed fine before that without taxes. And now today, we are taxed (28%-40%). And even at a 1% tax rate, the country existed fine. Usually an income tax was only needed to fund wars.

Here's an interesing article on taxes. I find the language in the article distasteful but shows some important points to consider.

More tastefule articles follow. :)
What part of our taxes go where? If you live in Texas, it goes like this. Notice how little is spent on education and how much is spent on the military. Here's a explanatory breakdown. See what little is actually spent on buildings roads and education.

When the Bush administration say they are providing tax cuts, notice that the cuts are in programs that are needed while they continue to increase the military budget for unnecessary wars.

If we cut out these unnecessary wars, our tax rate can drop by 42%. If you get rid of the CIA, IRS, and downsize the size of the federal government, that's probably most of the 16%. So affecting these changes would save our taxes by 42%+14%(88% of 16%)=56%. That's 56% less taxes you'd have to pay. And if they were to economize the efficiency of the way the government works (that'd be a miracle), we could reduce the costs of running these programs by 50% (at least). Having done some work for the government before through the Department of Defense, I know. So that's 56% less taxes plus 50% of the remaining 44% (22%). To apply these changes, we could cut taxes by 78% (56%+22%) and still receive the same level of benefit to our country as we are receiving today. Pay only for what's needed in our country.

Let's get some numbers, let's say you pay $25,000 in taxes. Reduce that by 78% and you cut your taxes by $19,500! If you paid $9,000 in taxes, you would now only pay $1,980. Wow! And we still get everything we get today and possibly more if we economize the government by a few factors. That's a savings of over $7,000. Can you use an extra $7,000/yr. to help benefit yourself and your family? Would that provide for a better way of life for yourself and your loved ones?

Pay only for what's needed in our country.

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