Sunday, April 03, 2011

Breast Cancer Research a Good Thing?

I'm tired of people asking me money for breast cancer research. We all know what the cure and prevention is, instead they want to live their junk food lifestyle, lack of exercise, and being full of negativity, then expect some magic pill to solve all their problems. This is America. They want instant gratification, and instant relief from disease -- without any effort on their part.

By giving to such "charities", you are actually promoting that the people continue in their ways. It's like the parent who spoils their child rotten and expects them to have a work ethic and not want something for nothin'.

Also heart attacks do not spring up overnight. You heard stories like this that are hardly believable, "And he got a heart attack out of nowhere. It just happened one day." If you are really dumb, and stupid, and live a high stress lifestyle, you can believe if it makes you feel better ... instant relief, isn't it?

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