Wednesday, June 17, 2009

iPhone Hangs and unable to recover

I got my iPhone about 3 weeks and have been enjoying using it. Today it hung, and does not respond to anything on the screen or buttons. In fact, the power off button doesn't even work. This is some incredible programming by Apple. They try to make it look like only Microsoft has bugs however that is just a marketing scheme.

The only way to make this iPhone usable again, I presume, is to take out the battery and wait, put it back in and power up. The only problem is that it seems the battery to the iPhone is internal to the phone and difficult to access. Apple wants you to send in the iPhone, in order to change the batteries. What an incredible waste of time.

My iPhone is like a computer to me, as well as a cell phone. Now I won't have access to my computer while I send it in and wait for Apple to fix their bugs. I'm highly disappointing at Apple for poor programming techniques, to let the iPhone operating system hang like this and become totally unusable. I am also disappointed at Apple in that I have to send it in to get it fixed. Certainly not user-friendly.

1 comment:

tarzan said...

Shortly after this post was made. Apple released version 3.0 of the iPhone OS. Whether it fixed it or not, I am not sure.