Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Medical Insurance for Herbs

I personally prefer taking Herbs from Chinese Medicine to acupuncture. I don't like needles all that much. I like taking concoctions. :) You can cook the herbs and drink the broth or buy prepared formulas. It is like drinking healthy food and much better than taking Western drugs.

It would be good for medical insurance to cover this. The health of the nation would be much improved and the costs would be cheaper than the drugs one gets at the pharmacy.

It seem with Western Medicine, the costs seem to skyrocket and people's health seem to get worse over time. What's worse is that people get addicted to the drugs the doctors give them. In fact, one of the anti-depressants such as effexor has really bad withdrawal symptoms when you try to get off it. It's meant to hook you on for life. Like marijuana, it is addictive but it's been legalized by the pharmaceutical companies.

If you look at the the number of psycho behaviors in the U.S. such shootings at bases and in the U.S., a number of these people were on some type of medication prescribed by doctors. Marijuana and cocaine does the same thing too but anti-depressants have been legalized by the pharmaceutical company. Would marijuana or cocaine ever become legalized? Not if the pharmaceutical companies can help it. No. The pharmaceuticals would lose so much business if it ever became legalized. It's like a war of drugs between the cartels and the people who run the pharmaceuticals to see who owns the industry in the U.S. As far as Congress is concerned, many of them are paid by the pharmaceutical companies so it's not likely things will change for the better.

Everyone I've talked to who's ever put on effexor by doctors say they feel crazy and psycho when they try to ween off the medication. In fact, the withdrawal is much worse than if they had never taken the medication. Will the FDA ever put a ban on it? Not likely. Guess who slips money to the FDA under the covers? You guessed it.

Putting a ban on effexor and similar drugs would be more effective in curbing the percentage of "crazy violence" in the U.S. than gun control, especially in the armed forces.

Treating soldiers with with Chinese Herbs is more beneficial to them and the safety of their fellow soldiers than pharmaceutical drugs. But don't look for that to happen soon due to the influence of the pharmaceutical companies.

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