Thursday, May 21, 2009

Movie Review: Wolverine

Badass movie. Go watch and have some fun.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Article 1.
Article 2.
Article 3.

I think the "27%" of deaths caused by chemotherapy in article 3 is a much fixed number. Doctors will do anything, if not for anything other than reason of malpractice suits, not to admit their recommended treatment actually caused the deaths of their patients. They will likely attribute it to anything else they possibly can.

Mac Users

I just had a pretty interesting chat with a Mac Lover. I was telling him that people need to use stronger passwords for better security especially because we were talking about online banking passwords. He said he bought the Mac so he doesn't have to worry about security anymore.

I found this argument quite amusing. Seems to be a common argument for Mac Users.

Thousands beaten, raped in Irish reform schools

Article. Not surprising. However when I talk to most Republican voters, they are very supportive of the Catholic church because they say these things "rarely happen". They seem to make up their own facts despite the published reports in the U.S. and otherwise. It seems that those who have no brain, automatically vote Republican.

Republican voters don't believe in news or facts. In fact, they just make up their own. Like cults and religious fanatics they believe what they want to believe.

In fact, they claim CNN and most news sources are biased towards the left while believing their leader, Rush Limbaugh, is being truthful and wholesome with them without any kind of bias. In fact, they talk exactly like him. They will deny publicly that they idolize Rush, of course, while secretly worshiping him. They would even suck his c*ck if Rush told them it was the right thing to do.

Don't believe me. Republicans still believe in giving money to corporations, as of today, as a way of saving the economy when there have been so many published reports of corporations abusing government bailout money for executive bonuses. Their excuse, "these things don't really happen", CNN and the rest of the news media made up these stories. Of course, if Rush says it, they will believe it. The Republican strategy of course is to "keep dumb people in the dark". If you've ever had a woman tell you that she loves you while bilking you, then you will understand the GOP Republican strategy. It works on the naive and the stupid. Most of us were young and stupid once, but Republican voters still fall for this fantasy. Many of them have a college education too but it's no guarantee of intelligence.

If you have doubts as to the number of stupid people in America, look at how many still go to McDonald's, Burger King, and Jack in the Box. Look at how much business they still generate. Should we be responsible for paying for the health care bill of Americans who decide to kill themselves with fast food their entire lives?

The two groups of people who are most dangerous to the growth and prosperity of America are the Liberals and the Republicans.

Monday, May 18, 2009


The only Republicans I would vote for are: Ron Paul, formerly Arlen Specter, John McCain, and Chuck Hagel. The rest of the Republicans are scam artists.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Movie Review: Star Trek

Most of the characters were much improved and their personality very interesting. Bones was excellent. He outdid the original Bones and even almost likable, entertaining at times. The same can be said for the new spock and his character. The plot was good however the movie was ruined by the bad acting of Chris Pine as James T. Kirk. This new Kirk is simply a loser who has made it into the big time. A fantasy that many losers appeal to. Perhaps he is an iconic fantasy for the new generation. James T. Kirk from the original 1965-69 series was one of my favorites, quite likable, charismatic, and respectable. The new Kirk is just a loser. Nevertheless I think it is a good movie despite the flaw.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Judge orders death of boy

Article. Everyone I've met who's done chemotherapy dies shortly thereafter. Despite being "highly educated", most judges are pretty damn stupid. The cure is worse than the disease. This judge orders the murder of a boy.

So why does chemotherapy exist? It makes a lot of money for the hospitals. Western Medicine.

There are many ways to cure cancer with alternative medicine, assuming it has not progressed too far, but most "highly educated" doctors in the U.S. have shit for brains. You wouldn't believe how dumb most U.S. doctors are about real health. All they know is what they've been brain fed by the medical school and AMA. No ability *whatsoever* to think outside the box. Should send these doctors to Special Ed along with the other retards.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

3.6 Trillion Dollar Spending Package

3.6 Trillion dollars? I haven't seen any benefit yet. What a waste of money spending on silly social programs that haven't done anything for the general public. The Iraq War costs less than that. Better to go back to the Republican days where they are spending money on Defense.

Guess how this is going to be paid for? By increasing taxes.

Health Plan Overhaul

Article. It's stupid to require all Americans to carry western medical insurance. I don't even go to those doctors. What a waste of money. Western medicine is a scam. I have enough bills to pay, don't need to pay scam bills. This is the stupidest thing the Democrats have done. I'm about to vote Republican soon.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Medical Insurance for Herbs

I personally prefer taking Herbs from Chinese Medicine to acupuncture. I don't like needles all that much. I like taking concoctions. :) You can cook the herbs and drink the broth or buy prepared formulas. It is like drinking healthy food and much better than taking Western drugs.

It would be good for medical insurance to cover this. The health of the nation would be much improved and the costs would be cheaper than the drugs one gets at the pharmacy.

It seem with Western Medicine, the costs seem to skyrocket and people's health seem to get worse over time. What's worse is that people get addicted to the drugs the doctors give them. In fact, one of the anti-depressants such as effexor has really bad withdrawal symptoms when you try to get off it. It's meant to hook you on for life. Like marijuana, it is addictive but it's been legalized by the pharmaceutical companies.

If you look at the the number of psycho behaviors in the U.S. such shootings at bases and in the U.S., a number of these people were on some type of medication prescribed by doctors. Marijuana and cocaine does the same thing too but anti-depressants have been legalized by the pharmaceutical company. Would marijuana or cocaine ever become legalized? Not if the pharmaceutical companies can help it. No. The pharmaceuticals would lose so much business if it ever became legalized. It's like a war of drugs between the cartels and the people who run the pharmaceuticals to see who owns the industry in the U.S. As far as Congress is concerned, many of them are paid by the pharmaceutical companies so it's not likely things will change for the better.

Everyone I've talked to who's ever put on effexor by doctors say they feel crazy and psycho when they try to ween off the medication. In fact, the withdrawal is much worse than if they had never taken the medication. Will the FDA ever put a ban on it? Not likely. Guess who slips money to the FDA under the covers? You guessed it.

Putting a ban on effexor and similar drugs would be more effective in curbing the percentage of "crazy violence" in the U.S. than gun control, especially in the armed forces.

Treating soldiers with with Chinese Herbs is more beneficial to them and the safety of their fellow soldiers than pharmaceutical drugs. But don't look for that to happen soon due to the influence of the pharmaceutical companies.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rising Healthcare Costs?

Why is the cost of carrying medical insurance rising? Hmm.

U.S. service member kills 4 fellow troops in Iraq

Article. The obvious way to fix this is to take the guns away from soldiers. That's how most gun control advocates think. Let's disarm all soldiers. "You don't give guns to someone who is in a stressful situation (Iraq)."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

I would like to see medical insurance cover acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments. I think most insurance companies try to "save the biggest bucks" by opting out of acupuncture treatments. But the biggest irony is that insurance companies would save more money because patients wouldn't need to go to the emergency room and the insurance company pays $8,000 to for diagnostic tests.

Acupuncture treatments costs much less like $75/treatment in most places and if people got good care prior to it becoming a medical emergency, the health of the nation would be better. Let's say someone gets $75/treatment for 2 times a month. That's $150/month or $1,800/yr for treatment of a condition. Whereas just doing a medical study like sleep study is $5,000 per single instance and $1,000 for the cpap equipment.

One can clearly see that acupuncture is clearly cheaper and works much better than shooting someone full of drugs. These companies cannot see for their own benefit. This is typical of the Myopia in how U.S. executives think.

They do not realize that it is also much cheaper than paying for a prozac prescription. With acupuncture, things get healed in a relatively short time. With prozac, it's a life long prescription.

I think a national health insurance plan should do what's best for the people and offer acupuncture coverage.

p.s. if you would like to see more examples of myopic thinking, watch the movie "Body of Lies" with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Educational Assistance

Article. This is good however I would like to see Pell Grants for graduate students. If you are unemployed and have a college college, you wouldn't get a Pell Grant going for graduate work.