Tuesday, December 12, 2006


When most people think of racism, they think of news headlines about white people saying derogatory names to black people but most of these people don't realize what its like to grow up in a black neighborhood. Our family was not wealthy, my parents worked hard to make ends meet. Growing up in black neighborhoods and going to black dominated schools, I was often made fun of by the black students. They called me derogatory names and made funny sounds trying to imitate our language, and they do many more things than that which I won't mention here. This happened on a regular if not weekly basis. Black people want to be treated with respect but they do not treat others with respect. I've even worked with most of them working for the Houston Urban League when I was in high school mowing lawns and trimming bushes. Most of them were lazy and constantly made excuses why they shouldn't work, all the while being paid on the clock. I grew up in a family with a strong work ethic and did more work than most of them combined. Their main trait is that they complain and refuse to do work. If black people want to be treated with respect, they need to be respectful to others.

While there are number of fine black gentlemen whom I had the pleasure of working in my professional field, there are also a number of fine white gentlemen in the world too. I don't see the black people complimenting them when they talk about racism. I will talk about the fine black gentlemen whom I have worked with. Their personality are often a joy to work with and they are usually socially savvy. They are often funny and witty. They overcame the ghetto mentality and developed a good work ethic as well as developing into fine human beings learning to take responsibility for themselves.

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