Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Israel's "war" with Hezbollah a good idea

I think it's great that Israel is standing up to Hezbollah and demanding the return of its citizens. Since the Munich incident in the 1972 Olympic Games, the PLO has continued to pick on the little nation of Israel. You can read about it here. If someone broke into your home and kidnapped your family members, you'd want justice, wouldn't you? You would want to know that your home was safe from such future attacks. You'd want your family members back. And you would want justice for the crimes they committed. It's about time Hezbollah and the PLO were told to stop. Israel may be a small nation but its fighting spirit is huge. I honor them for protecting their rights and sovereignty. It's a clear sign that Israel will not be putting up with the continued abuse. The PLO has never taken the responsibility for its actions. This is no exception. Just as in regular civilian law, criminal behavior will be punished. In regular society, criminals are disarmed, their weapons confiscated, and they are jailed until they "reform". This is no different than Hezbollah and the PLO continuing to commit crimes against Israel. They must be disarmed, prevented from any more criminal behavior, and most of all, Hellzbollah leaders must be tried for their crimes just as anyone else would be if they commited a criminal act.

Israel will be a great ally for us against the war on terrorism against Iran and Syria.

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