Monday, January 23, 2006

A God

A lot people claim that they believe in the Christian God pointed to in the Christian Bible because they have seen miracles and prayer works. If you remember in college logic class, the presence of A does not mean B exiss. This can be presented graphically as the belief A --> B, if A therefore B. Did you know that people of other religions including Buddhism have seen miracles and have attested to the Power of Prayer. They don't believe in Jesus and it still works. So A --> C, if A therefore C. I've seen people with no religion pray and get miraculous results. So A --> D, if A therefore D.

As you can see proof of A doesn't mean proof of B, C, or D.

Another point is the the teachings of the Bible are a great work. If it didn't come from God, who could be so wise to teach us these great things. So Bible --> B, if Bible then B exists. This is interesting because Plato, Aristotle, and Confucious gave us a lot of wisdom that were later found in the New Testament (Jesus' Teachings) and they existed before the birth of Christ. In fact, many think Aristotle's work is way superior. Was Aristotle really a God? :) Then there are the spirtual texts of Patanjali (Patanjali's Sutras). He existed and wrote down his sutras before the birth of Christ.

Another interesting point is that if you trace the time from the beginning of the Bible, which includes the time of creation of the Earth and Man, to modern day, it is only 5,000-6,000 years ago when God created the Heavens (this includes the Sun) and Earth. However, fossils and human remains have been found on this Earth that dated over 40,000 years ago. And in fact, scientific evidence proves the Sun to be over 4.5 billion years old.

The Catholic Church, claiming to act for God, condemned Galileo for heresy and gave him life imprisonment in his house (house arrest) because he validated Copernicus theory that the Earth rotates around the Sun and not the other way around. Why did God let the Catholic Church send an innocent man to jail? Is the Catholic Church or any church for that matter really in communication with God? If they really talked with God daily, then how come they didn't know?

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