Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Moving Website to

Hi All,

I'm moving my blogspot to a new website at:

Unfortunately, I won't be able to move most of my old posts there so this site will stay here for archival purposes. New posts will appear on my new site.

The new website will allow searching and sorting of articles by topic and keywords. Thanks everyone.

The Dark Knight

I thought is was a pretty good movie, though dark and twisted. Heath Ledger's acting was superb. I thought the movie started off slow with a boring opening sequence. With Heath Ledger first close up talk scene with the mobsters, I thought he was the only real actor in the movie at least for another few segments in the movie. Christian Bale's character was fairly flat in this movie. His character wasn't exciting as the first movie. It seems that a few other characters came to steal the show.

McCain's Intelligence

McCain's Intelligence or lack thereof. It's not surprising. It's been my understanding that McCain doesn't know much of anything. He relies on his advisors to do all his thinking for him. Everyone does everything for him and when it is all said and done, they tell him how to think after they've analyzed all the data for him. The problem is ... his advisors can't be trusted ... look at Phil Graham, a lobbyist for the banks and mortgage companies, giving him advice. And he knew this, as it was in the news for quite some time before Phil Graham resigned.

When I vote for someone, I want that person to do the thinking, not someone else. I don't need Joe Lieberman to think for McCain.

We should send President W. Bush to War

He likes war so much, but he himself won't fight. He likes war and talks about toughness but everyone else is doing the fighting for him. Maybe if he ever experienced war, he could see first hand what it can do to men. Soldier defeated by personal demons.

I really hope that Dwyer and other people who have died in the war come back and haunt President W. Bush in his sleep.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The grandmother you can do without

Black Widow. Be careful of those church types who appear innocent and religious. Motives and method of b.s. reminds me of somebody I know.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tony Snow Dies of Cancer

Tony Snow Dies of Cancer. It's not surprising that people who work close to W. Bush develop medical problems or develop complications in their existing medical problems. When you are lying to the public that often, responsible for the deaths of thousands of lives, while lying and pretending you are a good person, those kinds of things happen. Just take a look at Cheney's health problems. Some of these medical problems may not surface to years later but are slowly brewing in their system. It's no coincidence that Lyndon B. Johnson's false promotion of the Vietnam War through the fake propaganda spread by the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and wrongfully killed thousands of lives, led to his heart attack in 1973, nine years later. In fact, we may see John McCain developing more serious health problems, if he were allowed to continue killing innocent Iraqi civilians.

Whether John McCain believes in karma, the power of the dead, or not. It really doesn't matter. Health problems will develop. He won't live to enjoy the blood money he accumulated.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

U.S. Foreign Policy is about Democracy

U.S. okayed mass executions in South Korea totalling 100,000 murders without charge or trial. Real democracy in action. The sad thing now is that people actually think the U.S. foreign policy has changed. Well it hasn't. The U.S. government just files it away as secret and suppresses the knowledge from U.S. citizens while selling the war to the American public as the fight for Democracy.

How many times are U.S. citizens going to be fooled by the same trick? Who knows what's going on in Iraq that we have not been told about.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Tai Chi

Teaching tai chi seems to be interesting for me at this point. Get paid the same as working at barnes and noble, however tai chi is something I truly enjoy.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Life isn't fair

Texas man freed by DNA after 15 years in prison. Life isn't fair that someone was sent to jail for 15 years for a crime they did not commit. Such is the justice system.

Life isn't fair that the judge made me solely financially responsible for our joint debts during the marriage and gave me no leniency on anything despite me being the one psychologically abused in the marriage. Such is the State of America. There is no justice.

Sometimes I don't even want to work anymore. Most of what I make, after paying bills and taxes, goes to my ex-wife. What's the point of working if you can't spend time with your kids and have nothing left for savings. I have standard custody, which is very limited.

Sometimes I just want to re-enlist in the Army. My persona is more of a blue collar type of guy. I don't like working in an office. I get antsy sitting all day. My parents would never let me take a blue collar job growing up (as a long term prospect). But I've always enjoyed doing it more than office work.

My mother and many other blue collar workers have the misconception that working in an office is an easy life. No, it is not. I have to rack my brains quite a bit, everyday. If you want to know what it is like working the job I do, think about working on solving complex math problems with 100 unknown variables in the system, every day, 8 hours a day and people putting pressure on you to solve it faster to hit deadlines. And they get on your case when you make mistakes. You see the fun? In addition, there a lot of office politics going on.

I don't know about you but it didn't seem like I made any more money, because it disappeared through the wife (when we were married). And now it disappears when I have to pay all the bills she racked up, the judge made me solely responsible, plus full child support. If I'm not going to have be making any money, I might as well take a job that doesn't put that much stress on my brain. A lot of people don't realize how my head hurts sometimes when I have to solve these problems at work, while totally neglecting my body during the work day. It is not an easy job, like my mother and many blue collar types think.

I rather have a job where my body is utilized and my brain occasionally needed.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Nelson Mandela no longer considered a terrorist

Nelson Mandela no longer considered a terrorist. Wow! It goes to show anyone the U.S. doesn't like can be considered terrorists. Like now! How many are fighting for the safety and stability of their country of Iraq? Yet they are all branded terrorists by McCain.